About Us
2024 - 2025
Board of Directors
Randy Meinecke
Tricia Henderson
Vice President
Cassandra Gallegos
Bei Ye
Flora Tang
Community Outreach
Diana Kwong
Board Member
Jessica Zornik
Board Member
Board Member
The BASIS Chandler Boosters is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization run by volunteers to support the students, teachers, families, and administration of the BASIS Chandler school.
The Boosters were formed in 2011-2012 primarily to:
Encourage and promote the welfare of the Students attending BASIS Chandler
Raise funds to achieve the objectives of the Boosters
Cooperate with the workings of the school administration and teaching staff
BASIS Chandler Boosters is a volunteer-run organization, thus all of the logistics and organization that allow us to raise money and donate to the school is done by unpaid volunteers. That also means that all the events we put on, all the services we provide, all the items we buy — EVERYTHING we do — is done by unpaid volunteer parents just like you!
The volunteers who put in so much work to make our programs and events a success are doing it because they believe in the mission of the BASIS Chandler Boosters — they want to make BASIS Chandler the BEST school in Arizona and the best experience for all our children. If you would like to volunteer to help with any aspect, big or small, please contact us and we'll help you get started.
If you just don't have enough hours in the day (and everyone understands that these days!), you can still support the Boosters simply by donating to the Boosters. The membership fees and money you donate does not pay a salary or office, it goes towards supporting the Students, Teachers and Staff that make BASIS Chandler a top-notch school. Thank you for your support!